Advantages of Treating a Root Canal

Advantages of Treating a Root Canal

A root canal procedure is quite common and it allows dentists to avoid extracting a tooth unless it is absolutely necessary. Many people dread getting a root canal procedure as they think it is extremely painful. While it is not a painless procedure, there are many options that can allow for a mostly painless process.

You have to understand what a root canal treatment is and the benefits it can provide you with. This will give you some background information to decide whether or not it is right for you. You can also discuss the procedure with your dentist to get a better understanding. They will recommend what is best for your situation. When you have an infected or inflamed tooth, you need to make an appointment at your dental clinic to see the severity of the situation. The dentist will examine the tooth and evaluate it to see whether the tooth pulp is infected.

At this point, you can either opt for a root canal procedure or extract the tooth completely. However, it is worth noting that preserving the tooth if possible is always a better option. During a root canal procedure, the inflamed pulp will be removed and the interior of the tooth chamber will be cleaned and disinfected. The cavity inside is then filled with a special material and sealed. There will be a restorative element placed on the tooth to ensure that the patient is able to chew food. A filling or a crown will be placed on the tooth. The patient will be under anaesthesia during the procedure so that they don’t feel pain.

It is very important to preserve the natural teeth you have. There are pros and cons to both root canal procedures and tooth extraction. Losing a tooth will leave you with a gap in your smile and this may make you feel self-conscious. It can also impact functionality by affecting chewing, biting or even speaking. There are prosthetic teeth that can be fixed in place of the extracted tooth. This can be a dental implant, crown or bridge. You will be able to get rid of the infection in your mouth by carrying out a root canal procedure. The constant pressure that you have been suffering as a result of the inflamed and infected pulp will go after a day or two of having the procedure and you will be able to go back to your normal day-to-day life.

Many patients will not feel pain after the procedure and they are able to leave the dental clinic with their natural teeth intact. They will be able to eat the food they like and preserve their natural smile. You need to make sure that good dental hygiene is practised but otherwise, the treatment can last the entirety of your lifetime. However, you have to consider the cost of the procedures as well.

The cost of tooth extraction is lower than a root canal procedure and you will have to contend with follow-up appointments after a root canal. But you have to weigh your opinion on losing a natural tooth and preserving it. Also, your dental insurance plan may cover the root canal procedure so you don’t need to worry about affordability.

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