Things to Know About Acupuncture

Things to Know About Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treatment done by acupuncturists using fine thin needles. The needles are inserted in the body on specific points for healing purposes. Technically, acupuncturing falls under the CAM- Complementary or Alternative Medicine.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture. as mentioned above, uses tiny thin needles to cure the pain. It involves a medical analysis, followed by a stimulation of sensitive nervures beneath the skin. The stimulating is done by the needles inserted in the specific points.

Thus, it results in the natural production of pain-relieving substances, such as endorphins, by the body. Hence, following an acupuncture course for the treatment is much helpful than a single time result. 

The belief of acupuncture:

Reasonably, this ancient medicine is based on the theory that there is a flow of energy in a human’s body. Also known as the Life Force, which flows through the channels named meridian. This force is identified as “Qi” and pronounced as “Chi.” Acupuncturists believe when this force does not flow freely in the body, it causes sickness. Thus, they meddle with the needles to restore the flow, which, in return, improves health.

When to do an acupuncture treatment?

An acupuncture procedure can help treat a variety of pains and illnesses. For example, an acupuncturist in Sydney’s CBD will use this practice to treat women’s problems, such as menstrual issues, reducing stress, and supporting fertility. 

However, other instances where acupuncture is used to cure are as follows:

  • Migraines and headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Dental pain
  • Muscles and joint pains
  • Knee pain

According to WHO, acupuncture is also useful in treating:

  • Blood pressure- whether high or low.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Gastritis 
  • Reduces the risk of strokes
  • Induces labour
  • Morning sickness
  • Facial discomfort
  • sprains

However, there are few other cases too, but it needs more evidence to prove its effectiveness.

What is the procedure for acupuncture?

The session begins with the practitioner analysing your general health. They do so to determine the type of acupuncture that would suit you best to treat. The questions could range from your medical history to symptoms, behaviours, and the lifestyle you live. 

This questionary is followed by a physical examination of your body, such as:

  • Examine the body parts that are hurting
  • The shape, colour, and coating of your tongue
  • Observing your face colour
  • Understanding pulse strength and rhythm in your wrist

This session may last half an hour to a full hour. After completing the evaluation, the needles are inserted in the specific points, known as the acupuncture points. Hence, this happens once you lay flat. 

Once the needles are inserted in an accurate position, you are asked to relax. The pins stay in place for a period of a few minutes to a maximum of half an hour. However, the acupuncturist may manipulate the needle by moving subtly or applying heat; for an adequate treatment.

Once the needles are removed, it is disposed of right away. There is no discomfort felt when removing the needles, thus it is a safe treatment. However, each individual responds differently, while, some feel relaxed after a session; some feel energized. 

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