Unusual Uses of Tea Leaves

Unusual Uses of Tea Leaves

It is no secret that tea has multiple health benefits for its consumers. Many believe that these benefits could only be obtained if tea is consumed in liquid form. However, there is a variety of things one can do with the use of tea which goes beyond just drinking it that will definitely make one look at this product differently hereon. 

Tea leaves could be used for many unusual purposes. From experimenting with the use of tea leaves in kitchen, home and garden to using the leaves as a beauty product, the opportunities that come with tea are endless.

Culinary experiments

You can put your tea subscription to good use by making use of the tea leaves even after you are done enjoying a warm cup of tea or a refreshing ice tea. One of the interesting experiments you can do with tea leaves is to sprinkle a few tea leaves on the cooking pan or foil when you decide to roast or smoke your meat. By adding the tea leaves, it will give your meat a tender texture and a smokey taste which will be a crowd pleaser.

Another great option you have is when you are marinating almost anything. Be it meat items like chicken, lamb or fish or even vegetables, sprinkling some tea leaves to your marinade will never be a bad idea. If you want to take another step forward and experiment using tea in your cupcake batter, you can easily do as there are tried and tested recipes out there waiting just for you.

It could be easily made and would surprise your guests while adding a twist to your everyday baking. Therefore, using tea leaves in the kitchen is not a bad idea and would definitely spice up the flavours of your dishes.

Household tryouts

This might come as a surprise for many, but tea is an excellent deodorant. If you wake up to a smelly fridge, pop in a couple of tea bags that will absorb the stench from the fridge. It is easy and would not require too much of your time, money and effort.

Another excellent way to incorporate tea when you are cleaning your house is to use tea infused rags to clean your hardwood floors. This will not only clean your floors but would also ensure that they are shiny and fresh. Further, if your pots and pans have stubborn stains, soaking them in tea could be just the solution you are looking for.

Beauty Products

Another excellent yet unusual benefit of using tea leaves is using it as a beauty product. The antioxidant matter in the tea leaves will be excellent for your skin and the flaky texture would be ideal to be used as an exfoliant for your skin. Scrubbing will help in removing dead skin and refresh your skin.

Not just an exfoliant, tea could be a great facemask too. One can include honey and Greek yogurt with tea leaves and create a mixture. Similar to the exfoliant, you can reap the benefits of the antioxidant properties that will rejuvenate your skin and will leave you refreshed.

Therefore, it is evident that tea leaves are not just used to make yourself a cup of tea but is beneficial in many other ways. Out of all the food items in your household, this could be one out of the few that could have many benefits as mentioned above.

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