Best Sources of Plant Protein

Best Sources of Plant Protein

Are you wondering about the top sources of plant-based protein? This article lists the 5-best plant-based protein sources and provides a great idea about how to use them in your nutrition plan.

If you’re purely plant-based or only starting to load more plant-based proteins to your intake, you’re probably having a problem with the issue, where do you get your protein? That’s such a common issue about plant-based nutrition. But the fact is that most foods contain some protein. Yeah, some options are better than others, but when you’re eating enough greens, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds all day, you’re likely to get enough protein.

Best Sources of Plant Protein


Both soy-bean-oriented proteins are a good source of protein. Tempeh seems to have the advantage over tofu with a slightly higher protein content (about 20g per 4 oz compared to tofu which has around 10g per 4 oz). It’s fermented, too, making it a provider of probiotics.

When selecting tofu and tempeh, go for organic and sprouts. Organic options are important because soya is among the most Genetically modified crops and is highly pesticide-treated. Tofu sprouts (along with nuts, seeds and grains) make the minerals more usable and easier to handle.


There are multiple kinds of lentils, much like beans. The most popular are green lentils, French lentils, black lentils and red lentils. Black and French lentils have a decent shape when cooking so they are ideally suited to salads and other stand-alone uses. Red lentils are by far the lightest of the lentils and are split when cooked. Adds creaminess to stews and soups. That’s why Indian dahls and kichiri are made of the red lentils


For example, Hemp seed protein is a total protein, which means they have all nine essential amino acids. Consider them sprinkles of nature. They can top any dish to get a significant boost in nutrients.

Since hemp seeds are also known to be a healthy fat, you will need to minimize the serving size based on the other healthy fats in your diet. I recommend 1-2 servings of good fat per meal.


Beans are arguably the most famous plant-based protein in terms of variety, availability and value. They are consumed across the world and can be found in any kind of food, from tacos to minestrone. Plus, it’s a simple way to add protein to your food or substitute animal protein in your favourite recipe.


Although all seeds contain a small amount of protein, pumpkin seeds are the richest protein of all seeds. Pumpkin seeds can be quickly introduced to a dish or sprinkled on top of a salad for additional nutrients.

Since pumpkin seeds are also known to be a healthy fat, you will need to minimize the portion size depending on the other healthy fats in your diet. I suggest 1-2 servings of healthy fat per meal.

These are some of the other best and most common sources of protein for all you vegans and plant lovers out there.

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